Transportation Master Plan Update
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We want to know your Transportation priorities! | We want to understand where you feel safe! |
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Your responses are invaluable for helping shape the priorities of the master plan! The goal of this survey is to gather feedback from residents, commuters, and stakeholders to inform the development of a transportation plan that aims to improve mobility, safety, and accessibility for everyone.
We want to understand where residents and pedestrians feel safe or not throughout the network. The interactive map will help facilitate an exercise where you can share your thoughts on locations along Belgrade's street network and bike and pedestrian facilities that have experienced a safety-related issue.
The Transportation Master plan update will work with City staff to understand what has been implemented since the development of the 2018 Long Range Transportation Plan and document existing conditions to understand how Belgrade has evolved and how the vision for the City has changed.
The 2018 Long Range Transportation Plan
The current Long Range Transportation Plan included various projects intended to address local connectivity, efficiency, and safety in Belgrade’s transportation network.
1. The community desires a connected, efficient transportation system based on recognized linkages between land use and transportation planning so it serves not only existing, but future development in the community. This type of system allows users to choose what mode of travel they desire, and makes travel more convenient while promoting an active lifestyle by choice for community residents.
2. The community seeks to retain existing businesses and identify opportunities to attract new jobs to enhance the community’s economic vitality.
3. Efficient travel and increased mobility will help minimize transportation and associated costs.
4. Transportation influences the quality of life. The community’s transportation system should be compatible with the overall environment and context of the Belgrade area, with special consideration given to the conservation of surrounding agricultural lands, open space, and natural resources.
5. The community desires a safe transportation system, and strives for a reduction in crashes, injuries, and fatalities
The Projects vary in scale and scope and include capacity increases, sidewalk construction, intersection controls, active transportation infrastructure, and spot improvements.
What will the Transportation Master Plan update include?
Although the current plan was completed in the last five years, the City, and region, have experienced tremendous change. The update will include an evaluation of the City's existing transportation networks and revisit the recommendation of the previous long-range transportation plan. The plan will consider the growth factors within the City limits and planning area that influence mortised and non-motorized networks. The analysis will cover projects and initiatives that range in size and scale from Transportation System Management efforts & Major Street Network Projects to shared-use pathways, Cycling Lanes, and Spot Improvements.
The plan will produce multi-modal recommendations based on projected growth, community outreach, and best practices. As a component of the Clearly Belgrade Master planning effort, the transportation update will support the outreach with other simultaneous plan updates to align with a comprehensive view of the City’s growth and future transportation demands. Click here to take the Survey