Downtown Design Plan

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The purpose of a Design Plan is to create a vision for the City of Belgrade's future. The plan will ultimately help coordinate and orchestrate the overall development of the city's commercial center, including the downtown core, so that projects help each other succeed and result in a enjoyable, livable downtown. The Design Plan will be used by the City to implement and prioritize projects in the future.

This plan will consider urban design concepts like landscaping, parking, sightlines, street configuration, building site and orientation to maximize the sense of place in downtown Belgrade while also provide for infrastructure and safe mobility through the City's commercial center.

So, what is an Urban Renewal District?

In 2017, the City of Belgrade created an Urban Renewal district to enhance the effort to improve the overall economic health of the community through redevelopment and rehabilitation of Belgrade's commercial center. The City's Urban Renewal Plan focuses improvement efforts on investment in public infrastructure and retention and recruitment of private businesses. You can learn more about Belgrade's Urban Renewal District and Plan on the About page.

We want to hear from you!

It's imperative that the community shape the vision for downtown Belgrade. While we hope to see you at in-person engagement events soon, for public health reasons we will be focusing on digital engagement for the time being. Please engage below by tagging our map, taking a survey and/or sharing your big ideas!

The purpose of a Design Plan is to create a vision for the City of Belgrade's future. The plan will ultimately help coordinate and orchestrate the overall development of the city's commercial center, including the downtown core, so that projects help each other succeed and result in a enjoyable, livable downtown. The Design Plan will be used by the City to implement and prioritize projects in the future.

This plan will consider urban design concepts like landscaping, parking, sightlines, street configuration, building site and orientation to maximize the sense of place in downtown Belgrade while also provide for infrastructure and safe mobility through the City's commercial center.

So, what is an Urban Renewal District?

In 2017, the City of Belgrade created an Urban Renewal district to enhance the effort to improve the overall economic health of the community through redevelopment and rehabilitation of Belgrade's commercial center. The City's Urban Renewal Plan focuses improvement efforts on investment in public infrastructure and retention and recruitment of private businesses. You can learn more about Belgrade's Urban Renewal District and Plan on the About page.

We want to hear from you!

It's imperative that the community shape the vision for downtown Belgrade. While we hope to see you at in-person engagement events soon, for public health reasons we will be focusing on digital engagement for the time being. Please engage below by tagging our map, taking a survey and/or sharing your big ideas!

  • Final Design Plan Approved by City of Belgrade

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    Thank you to everyone who participated in creating the 2020 Downtown Design Plan. The Belgrade City Council approved the plan on March 1, 2021. You can review the final plan here.

    Don't forget to check out the two orbital views of key Downtown intersections: W. Main Street & Weaver Street and Central Avenue & Davis Street.

    The views are meant to be inspirational and depict what Downtown Belgrade could look like in the future. Using this interactive tool users can pan around the scene and zoom in and out to see additional elements and detail. Orbital Views

    Be sure to click through the "before" and "after" views to see the intersections currently and with their proposed improvements.

  • Draft Downtown Design Plan ready for Review!

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    The Draft Downtown Belgrade Design Plan is available for review on the project website:

    The team also created two orbital views of key intersections Downtown: W. Main Street & Weaver Street and Central Avenue & Davis Street. The views are meant to be inspirational and depict what Downtown Belgrade could look like in the future. Using this interactive tool users can pan around the scene and zoom in and out to see additional elements and detail.

    Be sure to click through the "before" and "after" views to see the intersections currently and with their proposed improvements.

  • Virtual Public Meeting Recording

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    Missed the virtual meeting on Thursday? No worries! We recorded it and it's posted here for you to watch:

    You can also take the survey that meeting attendees took on prioritizing proposed projects here:

    Thank you for all those who participated in our virtual activities -- below are the results from the short poll on which phased projects should be prioritized first in the Urban Renewal District:

    Which Phase 1 project should be prioritized first?

    31% - Main Street improvements
    19% - Broadway & Main St intersection improvement
    15% - Truck re-route off Main St
    11% - Railroad quiet zone
    8% - Public surface parking lot
    8% - Design guidelines
    8% - Broadway improvements

    Which Phase 2 project should be prioritized first?

    58% - Main St improvements
    27% - Update streetscape for farmer's market and park on Davis St
    15% - Side street improvements

    Which Phase 3 project should be prioritized first?

    54% - Central Ave streetscape including cycle track
    23% - S Broadway and Madison Ave streetscape
    19% - Pedestrian connectivity to the airport
    4% - Gateway signage

    You need to be signed in to add your comment.

  • Input Summary + Survey Results

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    Thanks to all who have taken the survey and participated in the outreach process thus far! Through all engagement channels, the following top 10 themes have emerged:

    1. Prioritize visual improvements (lighting, streetscape, landscaping, etc.)
    2. Need to improve sidewalks & sidewalk connectivity
    3. There is a lack of parking downtown which deters people from coming to the area
    4. Celebrate the industrial look and feel of the railroad and merge with historic downtown
    5. Need for improved traffic lanes and controls
    6. Main Street needs more retail
    7. Need for more outdoor seating downtown
    8. Need for pedestrian bridge over/under the railroad
    9. Need for uniformity in built environment/historic preservation
    10. Need some sort of barrier between the railroad and Main Street

    Below are the results from the survey:

  • Look for us at the Farmer's Market in July!

    Share Look for us at the Farmer's Market in July! on Facebook Share Look for us at the Farmer's Market in July! on Twitter Share Look for us at the Farmer's Market in July! on Linkedin Email Look for us at the Farmer's Market in July! link
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    The Be Heard Belgrade team will have a booth at the Belgrade Farmer's Market every Thursday in July! We'll be looking for your input on the Belgrade Downtown Design Plan and what improvements can be made in the Urban Renewal District. Stop by and give your input!

  • Check back here for updates!

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    The News Feed is where we will post project updates, survey results and public meeting summaries. Content coming soon!

Page last updated: 11 Mar 2024, 01:03 PM