Virtual Public Meeting Recording
Missed the virtual meeting on Thursday? No worries! We recorded it and it's posted here for you to watch:
You can also take the survey that meeting attendees took on prioritizing proposed projects here:
Thank you for all those who participated in our virtual activities -- below are the results from the short poll on which phased projects should be prioritized first in the Urban Renewal District:
Which Phase 1 project should be prioritized first?
31% - Main Street improvements
19% - Broadway & Main St intersection improvement
15% - Truck re-route off Main St
11% - Railroad quiet zone
8% - Public surface parking lot
8% - Design guidelines
8% - Broadway improvements
Which Phase 2 project should be prioritized first?
58% - Main St improvements
27% - Update streetscape for farmer's market and park on Davis St
15% - Side street improvements
Which Phase 3 project should be prioritized first?
54% - Central Ave streetscape including cycle track
23% - S Broadway and Madison Ave streetscape
19% - Pedestrian connectivity to the airport
4% - Gateway signage